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Internazionale Milan

Internazionale Milan
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Debat Bahasa Inggris

Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:25

1. Debat merupakan kegiatan memperjuangkan argument tim dengan cara menyampaikan bukti-bukti yang kuat dan relevan agar argument tim menang.
2. Meyakinkan juri/adjudicator bahwa argnument tim adalah argument tim adalah argument yang valid, kuat, dan benar.

Peserta debat disebut dengan DEBATERS
Debat bahasa inggris terdiri dari 2 tim yang saling berlawanan,
1. Tim positif (affirmative/government team). Tim positif adalah tim yang mendukung atau setuju dengan topik(motion).
2. Tim negatif (opposition team). Tim negatif adalah tim yang menentang atau tidak setuju dengan topik yang diperdebatkan.
Dalam setiap tim terdiri dari 3 debaters, yaitu:
1. Pembicara pertama (first speaker)
2. Pembicara kedua (second speaker)
3. Pembicara ketiga (third speaker)
Ada juga yang disebut dengan reply speaker yang nantinya akan memberikan dan menyampaikan reply speech (overview debate) yang diambil yang diambil dari pembicara pertama atau pembicara kedua.

Dalam debat bahasa inggris, jumlah juri selalu ganjil unutk menghindari adanya “seri”. Juri dalam debat disebut adjudicator.
Dalam debat bahasa inggris ada juga yang disebut dengan chairperson yaitu orang yang memimpin jalannya debat, dan ada juga time keeper yaitu orang yang bertugas menghitung waktu bicara debaters. Standar waktu bicara untuk tiap debater adalah 7 menit.

Topik yang diperdebatkan dalam debat bahasa inggris disebut MOTION. Motion biasanya diawali dengan,
THW(This House Would....)
THBT (This House Believe That....)
Apabila motion diawali dengan dengan THW, ini berarti proposal debate, maksudnya adalah peserta debat harus memberikan argument yang disertai dengan solusi dan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan (peserta harus mengajukan proposal) dalam solusi tersebut. Apabila motion diawali dengan THBT maka debat itu adalah philosophical debate, maksudnya adalah dalam debat itu nantinya hanya akan memperdebatkan bahwa sesuatu hal (yang disebutkan dalam motion tersebut) benar atau salah, baik atau tidak, signifikan atau tidak, tanpa memberikan langkah-langkah atau solusi penyelesaian. Baik motion THW maupun THBT, semua argument harus selalu disertai dengan bukti-bukti dan fakta-fakta yang relevan dan kuat serta contoh-contih yang relevan. Motion ada yang bisa langsung diperdebatkan dan ada juga yang harus didefinisikan terlebih dahulu.
Contoh-contoh motions;
1. THW stop importing rice
2. THW ban alchoholic drinks
3. THBT homeschooling is not good, dsb

Mendefinisikan motion maksudnya adalah mendeskripsikan motion agar lebih jelas dan lebih fokus atau lebih spesifik. Yang berhak mendefinisikan motion adalah affirmative team (team positif). Sedangkan tim negatif hanya berhak menyetujui atau menentang definisi tersebut. Apabila tim negatif menyetujui definisi itu maka debat akan dilanjutkan sesuai dengan motion yang telah didefinisikan tersebut. Perlu diketahui oleh semua debaters bahwa yang diperdebatkan adalah theme line bukan definisi ataupun motion debat. (theme line akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut nanti)
Jika tim negatif tidak setuju dengan definisi yang diajukan oleh tim positif, maka tim negatif harus menentang definisi tersebut dan memberikan definisi baru yang benar. Tindakan menentang definisi yang disampaikan oleh tim positif ini dinamakan dengan CHALLENGE DEFINITION. Akan tetapi tim negatif harus benar-benar teliti dan hati-hati sebelum melakukan CHALLENGE DEFINITION ini, karena definisi yang bisa ditentang hanyalah definisi yang,
1. TRUISTIC : definisi yang sudah benar dan tidak dapat diperdebatkan lagi
2. TAUTOLOGICAL/ CIRCULAR : definisi yang berputar-putar sehingga tidak jelas pointnya
3. SQUIRELLING : definisiyang tidak ada kaitannya dengan topik
4. TIME AND PLACE SETTING : definisi yang mengambil setting background dengan waktu yang tidak tepat, misalnya mengambil kejadian yang sudah sangat tidak up to date, sehingga sulit diperdebatkan.
Untuk mendefinisikan motion, kita harus mengambil kata kunci yang penting dari motion tersebut dan mendefinisikannya sesuai dengan topik yang aktual yang bisa diperdebatkan. Misalnya, kita ambil motion “THW ban alchoholic drinks”. Disini ada dua kata penting, yaitu “ban” dan “alchoholic drinks”, kita harus mendefinisikan kata tersebut tidak sekedar definisi berdasarkan kamus. Ban (melarang=prohibit=not allow) maksudnya melarang yang bagaimana dan seperti apa.
Kemudian kata “alchoholic drinks” juga harus didefinisikan, tidak hanya sekedar “minuman beralkohol” saja tetapi juga perlu disertakan dengan “minuman beralkohol dengan kadar .....%”, dengan disertai ALASAN POKOK yang merupakan IDE POKOK atau yang biasa disebut dengan THEME LINE. THEME LINE ini menjawab dari pertanyaan MENGAPA. Mengapa suatu hal harus dilarang, mengapa hal harus dihentikan, mengapa suatu hal tidak harus dilarang, dsb. Theme line inilah yang akan diperdebatkan dalam debat bahasa inggris.
INGAT: Definisi dari tim positif harus JELAS, LOGIS sesuai motion, dan bisa diperdebatka/ada untuk diperdebatkan (debatable).

Setiap argument yang baik harus selalu memuat A-R-E-L, yaitu
Assertion         : kalimat berisi pernyataan dari argument yang akan disampaikan.
Reasoning       : alasan yang mendukung pernyataan argument.
Evidences        : bukti-bukti dan fakta-fakta yang mendukung argument dan alasannya.
Link back         : mengaitkan kembali dengan pokok bahasan (theme line)

Rebuttle adalah sanggahan dari argument lawan, yang harus di-rebut adalah argument pokok dari tim lawan. Rebutlle biasanya berdasarkan pada:
1. Fakta yang salah (error facts)
2. Bukti yang tidak relevan (irrelevan proof)
3. Hal-hal yang tidak masuk akal (illogical)

First speaker:
• Menyampaikan motion
• Memberikan background (latar belakang mengapa bisa muncul motion seperti itu, background ini dikaitkan dengan berita aktual yang berkaitan dengan motion)
• Menyampaikan definisi dari motion
• Menyampaikan room of debate (apa yang akan diperdebatkan dalam debat nanti)
• Menyampaikan stance dari timnya (posisi dari timnya, apakah setuju atau tidak setuju dengan topik, tim positif akan selalu setuju dengan theme line, sedangkan tim negatif tidak setuju)
• Menyampaikan theme line
• Menyampaikan team split (pembagian kerja tim)
• Menyampaikan argument pokok
• Menyimpulkan dan mengaitkan dengan topik
Second speaker:
• Me-rebut argument pokok first speaker tim negatif
• Mengklarifikasi lagi kasus tim positif
• Menyampaikan argument pokok second speaker
• Mengaitkan argument pokok dengan topik/theme line
• Menyimpulkan dan menyampaikan kembali theme line tim positif
Third speaker:
• Me-rebut argument pokok second speaker tim negatif
• Mengklarifikasi kasus tim positif
• Mengulas kembali argument yang telah disampaikan oleh first dan second speaker tim positif
• Menekankan kembali rebutal yang disampaikan oleh first dan second speaker tim positif, sambil terus menentang argument tim lawan
• Memberikan lebih banyak contoh yang relevan dengan topik
• Menyimpulkan apa yang disampaikan dan mengaitkan kembali apa yang disampaikan dengan topik
• INGAT: pada third speaker tidak boleh ada NEW MATTER (argument/materi baru). Tugas utama pembicara ketiga adalah: ATTACK and give more examples. (umumnya ¾ dari waktu bicara untuk rebutal)
NOTE: yang berhak menyampaikan argument hanya pembicara 1 dan 2, karena waktu pembicara 1 banyak tersita untuk definisi, background, team split, dsb, maka argument yang paling inti sebaiknya disampaiakan oleh pembicara 2.

First speaker:
• Merespon definisi yang disampaikan oleh first speaker tim positif; menyampaikan apakah menerima atau menolak definisi tersebut (accepts or challenges the defiintion)
• Rebut / sanggahan argument yang disampaikan first speaker tim positif
• Menyampaikan theme line tim negatif
• Menyampaikan theme split (pembagian kerja) tim negatif
• Menyampaikan argument pokok
• Menyimpulkan dan mengaitkan dengan topik

Second speaker:
• Me-rebut argument pokok second speaker tim positif
• Rebuild kembali/ tegakkan lagi kasus /theme line tim negatif
• Menyampaikan argument pokok second speaker negatif
• Mengaitkan argument dengan theme line atau topik
• Menyimpulkan dan menyampaikan kembali theme line tim negatif
Third speaker:
• Rebut argument yang telah disampaikan oleh tim positif
• Sampaikan kembali theme line / kasus yang disampaikan tim negatif; mengulas kembali argument yang telah disampaikan first and second speaker tim positif
• Menekankan kembali rebutal yang disampaikan oleh pembicara 1 dan 2 tadi, sambil terus menentang argument tim lawan
• Memberikan lebih banyak contoh yang relevan dengan topik
• Menyimpulkan apa yang disampaikan dan mengaitkan kembali apa yang disampaikan.
• INGAT: pada third speaker tidak boleh ada NEW MATTER (argument/materi baru). Tugas utama pembicara ketiga adalah: ATTACK and give more examples. (umumnya ¾ dari waktu bicara untuk rebutal)

Reply speaker untuk tim positif maupun tim positif memiliki tugas:
1. Overview the debate (mengulas kembali apa isi debat yang telah berlangsung tadi):
• Clash of the debate (ketidakcocokan antara tim negatif dengan tim positif tadi, perbedaan pendapat yang terjadi tadi disampaikan)
• Menyampaikan argument apa saja yang telah disampaikan timnya
• Menyampaikan argument apa saja yang telah disampaikan tim lawan
• Menyampaikan kelebihan dari argument timnya dan kelemahan dari argument tim lawan
• Menekankan bahwa argument timnya lebih bagus dan lebih berhak untuk menang berdasarkan kelebihan argument timnya tadi. Jangan lupa untuk tetap dikaitkan dengan topik yang diperdebatkan.
2. Reply speech bukanlah rebutal, jadi di sini sudah tidak boleh ada lagi rebutal, maupun hal-hal atau contoh-contoh baru.
3. Yang bisa menjadi reply speaker adalah pembicara pertama atau pembicara kedua.


Tiap debater diberi waktu 7 menit untuk menyampaikan subtantive speech-nya (watu berbicara pada pembicara 1,2, dan 3). Tapi tidak untuk reply speech, untuk reply speech ini biasanya hanya 5 menit saja.
Jadi, untuk masing-masing tim diberi waktu:
• First speaker          : 7 menit (subtantive speech)
• Second speaker     : 7 menit (subtantive speech)
• Third speaker        : 7 menit (subtantive speech)
• Reply speech         : 5 menit (reply speech)
Pada subtantive speech tersebut, pada setiap menit ke-6 akan diberi tanda ketukan satu kali oleh time keeper. Diberi ketukan 2 kali pada menit ke-7, dan ketukan berulang-ulang pada menit ke-7 lebih 20 detik. Apabila terjadi undertime (kurang waktu, misal kurang dari 6 menit) akan mengurangi nilai. Apabila sudah diberi ketukan berulang-ulang tapi pembicara belum berhenti berbicara, maka apa yang dibicarakan atau disampaikan sudah tidak akan didengarkan lagi oleh juri, dan hal ini juga bisa mengurangi nilai.
Pada reply speech, pada menit ke-4 akan diketuk 1x, menit ke-5 akan diketuk 2x, dan pada menit ke-5 lebih 20 detik akan diketuk berulang-ulang.

Ada 3 aspek yang dinilai dalam debat bahasa inggris:
1. Manner dinilai 40%, meliputi:
Delivery (public-speaking skills): bagaimana cara penyampaian argument, efektif atau tidak.
Vocal style (volume suara), penggunaan bahasa, penggunaan catatan, kontak mata, gesture (gerakan-gerakan tubuh), posisi berdiri (stance), pakaian, humor, personal attack on opponents
2. Methode dinilai 20%, meliputi:
Structure and organization (struktur/sistematika penyampaian pidato, urut atau tidak mulai dari awal sampai akhir sesuai dengan tugas sebagai first, second atau third speaker)
Overtime or undertime?
Kemampuan untuk merespon kasus/argument yang disampaikan lawan
3. Matter dinilai 40%:
Materi /isi yang disampaikan dalam speech-nya, apakah relevan atau tidak, berbobot atau tidak.


1. Definition
Mendefinisikan motion harus jelas. Satu persatu dijelaskan. Misalnya pada contoh di atas, makafirst speaker dari government team harus menyampaikan satu persatu penjelasan definisi motion agar jelas dan dapat ditangkap lawan (tim negatif) dan juri.
Dalam contoh tersebut, yang harus dijelaskan seperti kata ban, eksperiment, animal.
Baru setelah definisi perkata (atau frasa) jelas, kalimat secara utuh didefinisikan.

2. Rebuttal
Rebuttal adalah kondisi di mana pada awal penyampaian argument (satu-dua menit pertama) pembicara menyampaikan sanggahan akan pendapat/argument tim lawan atau bantahan akan bantahan argument kelompoknya (baca:mendukung timnya dengan menanggapi sanggahan lawan).
Misalnya pada contoh motion di atas, ketika second speaker dari tim positif menyampaikan bahwa eksperimen pada hewan akan membuat hewan musnah, maka  rebuttal dari second speaker negative team bisa berupa “hewan masih banyak jumlahnya jadi tidak akan musnah” (untuk ini alasannya cari yang lebih logis ya, saya agak buru-buru nulisnya ^^v). Perlu diingatrebuttal tidak dibolehkan bagi reply speaker.

3. Challenge
Challenge adalah keadaan di mana tim negatif memberikan challenge berupa invite kepada tim positif yang dianggap telah salah mendefinisikan motion. Jadi misalnya tim positif mengatakan eksperimen pada hewan adalah eksperimen dunia fashion (baju dari kulit hewan itu), dan dianggap salah oleh tim lawan (negatif), maka negative team akan menawarkan challenge. Mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak setuju akan definisi motion dari positive team. Bila challenge telah terjadi, maka perdebatan argument tidak bisa dilanjutkan, jadi keseluruhan debate hanya akan membahas pendefinisian motion, yang mana yang dianggap benar oleh masing-masing tim.

4. POI (Point Of Interruption)
POI ini dilakukan saat salah satu speaker dari team lawan menyampaikan argumennya. Rebuttal hanya berhak disampaikan team lawan yang anggotanya sedang tidak bicara. Jadi kalau yang lagi bicara adalah tim positif, yang berhak me’POI hanya tim negatif. Adapun POI hanya bisa disampaikan jika yang sedang bicara (yang ingin diinterrupt menyilahkan). POI juga tidak dibolehkan untuk diajukan pada reply speaker, baik dari positive atau pun negative. Cara POI : berdiri dan mengatakan “excuse me”, “add the point please”, “POI please”, dll.

5. Waktu
Perlu saya jelaskan bahwa system debate yang saya sampaikan di sini adalah jenis yang satu timnya tiga orang, bukan yang dua orang (System British/Parliamentary). Dalam kancah internasional, debate jenis ini dikenal dengan WSDC (World School Debating Championship),sedangkan kalau se-Indonesia dikenal dengan ISDC (Indonesian School Debating Championship).
Untuk yang tingkat dunia (WSDC), setiap pembicara diberi waktu 8 menit. Sedangkan untuk tingkat Indonesia (kalau Negara lain aku kurang tau) setiap speaker diberi waktu 5 menit. Perlu diketahui, bila pembicara kurang/kelebihan waktu ngomong, akan memperoleh pengurangan nilai.

6. Time Keeper
Kalau tidak salah saya, (belum pernah jadi time keeper, hehe). Time keeper akan memberi tanda, ntah bel atau ketukan meja. Tanda-tandanya:
• Menit pertama : 1 ketukan
• Menit ketujuh (atau keempat) : 2 ketukan
• Menit kedelapan (atau kelima) : 3 ketukan
• Lima belas detik setelah waktu habis : ketukan sampai kita turun panggung, wkwkwk.

7. Solution
Solution adalah bagian penting dalam debating. Bila suatu tim tidak setuju dengan sesuatu (motion atau opinion). Maka tim tersebut HARUS memberikan solusi, atas apa yang tidak disetujuinya. Misalnya pada contoh di atas, bila tidak menyetujui ekperimen pada hewan, konsekuensinya tim government harus memberikan solusi, misalnya dengan mengganti hewan jadi tumbuhan (sekali lagi cari alasan/solusi yang logis, jangan tiru gayaku, hehe.).

8. Team Work
Sebuah tim harus bisa berkerja sama. Tidak berdiri sendiri-sendiri. Karena suatu tim adalah kesatuan, tidak boleh menyampaikan pendapatnya sendiri dan tidak saling mendukung, harus memberikan rebuttal.

9. Adab Berdebat
Sebenarnya ini hal yang jarang dibahas, tapi sebagai tambahan aku kasih tau saja. Dalam dunia debat, ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita pegang sebagai modal, antara lain:
• Sampaikan argument secara jelas dan tidak berbelit-belit, agar orang mudah mengerti maksud kita.
• Jangan asal memotong pembicara, sampaikan POI kita hanya bila diizinkan oleh yang sedang bicara.
• Hindari kata-kata “I think”, “In my opinion”, etc. karena yang begitu akan mengisyaratkan kita tidak mampu dalam berdebat, tidak ada keyakinan kita. ^^v Aku pernah melihat sebuah tim diserang karena salah satu speakernya banyak sekali mengatakan “I think”.
• Berusahalah cepat dan tangkas dalam berbicara. Karena ini akan mendapatkan point bahwa kita memahami apa yang kita sampaikan.
• Jangan terdiam atau sering mengatakan “ng”. Terus saja bicara, kalau kelupaan bilang aja “Well ladies and gentlemen.”
• Gunakan gaya berdiri yang apik dan keren. Jangan cuma menaruh tangan disamping pinggang, atau terpaku pada catatan kecil kita. Usahakan hanya membuat poin-poin yang ingin kita sampaikan.  Bila grogi, jangan pegang kertas/buku kecilnya, taro di podium saja biar kita tidak kelihatan gemetaran.
• Jangan bawa agama dalam berdebat. Misalnya ayat-ayat Allah. Selain yang kita lawan belum tentu muslim, itu bukan aturannya dan semua akan selesai dengan agama. Gunakan saja alasan seperti hukum, fakta, atau prediksi.

First speaker (Affirmative)
• Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, we are debating the motion “smoking should be banned”.
• We, on affirmative team, strongly support this motion. We have three point, those are health, hospital costs and pollution.
• Our first point is health.
• Cigarettes fill your lungs with poisonous chemical, causing cancer and lung disease.
• According to the American Cancer Society, every cigarette you smoke shortens your life by approximately 7 (seven) minutes.
• Furthermore, this has directly affected my life. My acquaintance died of lung cancer two years ago. It was a long illness, and it caused their family stress and sadness.
• Our second point is hospital cost.
• Smokers cost the country a lot of money.
• This is because smokers get cancer and other diseases more than nonsmokers. Smokers miss more work and spend more time in hospital.
• Also, according to the Ministry of Health, the average smoker requires over $200,000 in hospital cost over the course of their lives. The total bill for the country is $50,000,000 a year.
• Our third point is pollution.
• Cigarettes make the air dirty.
• This is because when people smoke, they blow poisonous gasses into the air.
• There is a big problem on train platforms, where many people ignore the no smoking signs and blow smoke in your face. We should ban cigarettes to get rid of this problem.
• We have talked about health, hospital cost and pollution. We have shown clearly that cigarettes should be banned. We beg to propose.

Second Speaker (Negative)
• Thanks you Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, we are debating the resolution, “all people should be vegetarians”. We, on the negative team, strongly oppose this resolution. First, I will refuse the affirmative side, then, I will give our points.
• Their first point was health. They said that it was not healthy to meat since it is high in fat and difficult to digest. We have to responses. First, it is not true that meat is difficult to digest. Our bodies are made to digest both meat and vegetables. Second, it is not always true that meat is higher in fat than vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and avocado, have a lot of fat. On the other hand, some kinds of meat, such as turkey, have very little fat.
• Their second point was animal rights. They said that animals have a right not to suffer. We have to responses. First, it is not true that animals have rights. Right come from our country’s Constitution and our Constitution says nothing about animal’s rights. Second, animal’s right are not as important as human rights, and if we stop fishing or raising animals, millions of people in the food industry will lose their jobs.
• Their third reason was the environment. They said that fishing and rising animals harm nature. We have to responses. First, this is not necessarily true. It is possible to raise animals and catch fish without harming the environment. Second, it is not true that animal farming hurts the environment, since animals produce the carbon dioxide that plants require. We must keep the balance of nature.
• I have refuted the affirmative’s points. Now, I will give our points. We have three points those are health, the economy and taste.
• Our first point is health. We must eat meat and fish in order to stay healthy. Meat has a lot of protein, and fish both protein and iodine. It is difficult to get these nutrients from vegetables.
• Our second point is the economy. Millions of men and women work in agriculture, fishing, and the food industry. If we stop eating meat, they will lose their jobs and will be unemployment. This will cause hardship.
• Our third point is taste. Meat taste good, and many countries use meat in their national dishes. Can you imagine Thai food without shrimp, Japanese food without sushi, American food without hamburgers or German food without Wiener schnitzel? Eating meat is enjoyable and an important part of our culture.
• We have talked about health, the economy, and taste and have shown that we should all not be vegetarian. For these reasons, we beg to oppose.

Rebuttal Speeches
• Thanks you Ladies and Gentlemen. We have been debating the resolution, “cats are better pets then dogs”. We on the negative team have clearly shown that this is not true.
• Let’s look again at the important points of this debate.
• First, the affirmative team talked about cost.
• They lose this point however, because it is not true that dog costs more than a cat. As we said before, it is easy to get dog for free at an animal shelter.
• The affirmative also talked about noise. They said that cats are quitter than dogs.
• They lose this point however, since my partner clearly explained that it is possible to teach a dog to be quite.
• On our side, we had two main points, protection and help.
• Our first point is protection.
• We explained that a dog can protect you from thieves.
• They responded by saying that house alarms are better than dogs. We win this point however, since the affirmative team never explained why an expensive house alarm is better than a loving dog.
• Our second point is help.
• We explained that dogs are more useful than cats.
• The affirmative team responded that cats catch mice, but this is not important. My partner explained that you can always buy mousetraps if you have problems with mice.
• Therefore, we win this point, since the affirmative team has never responded to this. The affirmative team never showed that cats have any significant use.
• Overall, we win our key points, and have refuted the affirmative team. Therefore, we win this debate, and ask you to choose dogs instead of cats. Thanks you


Thanks for the time that given to us to participate in the debate English contest, we’re from SMP 1 Lasem, and now let us introduce our team :
1. My name is Endah Eka Handayani as the first speaker. And I’ll deliver my argument as a pro side.
2. And my friend, Erna Nur Fitria as second speaker. And she will deliver the contra side.
3. Alif M. Fadli / Iffa Luthfiyah as reply.
Pro :
Globalization is one condition which there is no bar between one country to another country. So, English is important as a communicating tool. Now, we have look from humanism point of view. We know that communicating among nation is very important. We are part of the world. We can not live without any other helps. We help people and they help us. To communicate around the world we need a tool. What is the tool? Of course, a language,itsAristotelles say. w the world we need international language, that is English.
1) Because we can communicate with foreign people with the same language. So, it will be easier to understand one of the other. for example : the Indonesian people talking with Chinese people. If they talk with their region language, of course they will be confused. But, if they speak with same language, good!.
2) Because if we can speak English, of course people will respect to us. And, we will known as a clever man. Causes, it same as the foreign tourism.
3) We will be faith if can’t to talk with English language. People will be admired to us. And if we can speak English, we will be easier to get success in this globalization era.
4) In America as the superpower country declare that the international language is English, so we must practice to speak English
5) As the member of UNO, of course countries that join it, shall to using English language, of course must to follow it……
6) now days,
I extremely disagree with the motion “ ENGLISH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TOOL IN INDONESIA “. You say that the superpower country use English language in conversation. But, there are some point a view :
1. From Technology Point a View.
You know that Japan and Chorea is the strong country. They are good in technology. They become a supplier of transportation tool, communication tool, and others. Are they using English? No, they are very proud with their own language. so, if we want to success in this globalization era, we shall improve our knowledge in technology. So, if we have a high technology I believe many people from other country will come to Indonesia to study here. Of course, they will study bahasa Indonesia and we don’t need English.
2. from Trading Point a View
Chinese is the country which very success in trading, they trade from their country until to other country. They have a commitment; they must use their own language to communicating. They believe they are success because not their English, but from their quality of trade. Do you know? They use Chinese language to say the price of their good secretly. So, it does prove that English is not important.
3. From Natural Resource Point a View
Arab, there they use Arabic language for communicating. They sure that they will can go in international using their capability of natural resource exploiting.
Beside that, we shall thing about our own language. in this globalization era, English is very popular. From students until employers use English language. even, they thing that Indonesia is not too important. Actually, language shown the nation. It wiil decrease the nationalism of Indonesia citizen. If we know the history, our hero fight hard to stand Indonesia language. but now, that people shy to speak in Indonesia. They said that Indonesia language is not intercourse. Then, the dialect, may be “cinta” become “cinta”. Its so terrible I think.
So, I say, that I disagree that English is the most important tool in globalization.


¨  That we would give tax holiday for large-scale industries
¨  That this house regrets the cutting of the subsidy
¨  That this house would increase the tax
¨  That we should stop privatizing the state companies
¨  That small economic business scales should get easier bank loan procedures from both government and private banks.
¨  That central government should tightly control the finance of the local governments.
¨  That the economic measurement to judge the economic growths of the country is the only way to know the country’s prosperity.
¨  This house believes that the government is not pro the poor
¨  That we would make military service compulsory for citizen
¨  That top government executives should not have executive position in any political parties
¨  This house would give self-rule to GAM
¨  That politicians should only be allowed to serve in office for a limited period of time
¨  That government should not restrict freedom of speech
¨  That national security concerns justify the restriction of civil liberties
¨  This house supports General Election in Iraq
¨  That feminism has gone too far
¨  That the press violates public figures privacy
¨  That we should give no room for polygamy
¨  That Malaysia should be a model in dealing with gambling
¨  This house disapprove cloning
¨  This house would ban surrogate motherhood
¨  That this house would not use National Examination for graduation standard
¨  That we should stop commercialization in education
¨  That education is the responsibility of the government
¨  That this house would apply credit system in schools
¨  That high quality education gives no room for gratis education
¨  This house give no room for gratis education
¨  That religious lesson should not be taught in school
¨  That reality shows bring more harm
¨  That we should control the press
¨  That we should control access to the internet
¨  This house would put ban on teenage films
¨  That TV commercial exploit children
¨  That tourism exploits our nature
¨  That forestation would be utopia
¨  That nuclear is the solution for our energy problem
¨  That we would give trade sanction to protect our environment
¨  This house believes that severe punishment diminishes illegal logging
¨  That this house would run national lotteries for developing sports
¨  That cigarette advertisements must be banned from sport events
¨  This house believes that equal prize money should be given to woman athletes
¨  The government should give pension to athletes
¨  That we should give severe punishment to sport club upon racism done by supporters.
¨  That professionalism has ruined the Olympic Games
¨  That this house supports the death penalty for corruptors
¨  That we should ban the possession of fire weapons to civilians
¨  That this house believes death penalty is a step ahead
¨  This house supports the use of death penalty
¨  This house would make an independent body to control constitutional court
¨  That gambling of all forms should be made illegal
¨  That we should stop sending immigrant labors
¨  That we should let children work
¨  That we should use HIV Testing Result as a requirement for a job recruitment
¨  That this house support special treatment for woman
¨  That this house would give equal opportunity to transsexual workers


The fist speaker say that, family is one of the fondation of making the character of the student.And the second speaker say that the student spen almost all of their time at home.I support my friends arguments because, as we know the nughty student can be student do smoking, consume any dugs, missing their class, fighting among the student, and others.And more than half poople think a bad parent give influence for the nughty student, for example when the student have bad behaviour like smoking, and addicted by drug almot all them live in house or their smoking, they are not in school.
The fist speaker say that, the respon of the nughty student not only for the parent, but also for the teacher or school.And the scoond speaker say that, the respon of the nughty student, it on to the student them selve.I want to add my friend argument.The student do and learn many think at school, the learn witch on is good and witch one is bad.The student have decide and manage their life because, their parent and the teacher have bintouch them and they have to respon sible to it, for example as we on TV fighting among the student.Many cases apper the students fighting and kill their parent, let’s see the case the student name Fitrah who kill Alawi from the case we can conclute that Fitrah can’t manage him self.

The fist speaker say that, multiple choice (MC) is very familiar for us as student, they always have it they do some exame like final examination and national examination.And the second speaker say that, MC doesn’t traind the student to solving problem because, the student can’t proguee their own answer, they can’t express their idea with the own words.I support my friends arguments, because MC is asy test especially for low student, why I say like that, every years many cases apper when national examination, the resault show that the score point for low or stupid higher than smart student, the stupid student can get more point eventhough, the student counting their clothes button or lot something.
The fist speaker say that, MC traind the student emelize the options.And the second speaker say that, MC content many more question or the test force student to do it insortime.I want to add my friend argument with example, when the student have national examination usally number of question, it’s around 40 to 50 and the student should finish the test in 2 hours.In this case, the student should manage their time to do it the test content many more question, and the student should finish to do it in the last of 3 minutes.

The fist speker say that, the school uniform is not cheap, the student will spen lot of money to buy all the uniforms.And the second speaker say that, if the student wear the school uniform the student can’t  express their self.I want to add my friend argument with example, if the student should wear different uniform in every week or if the student should wear six uniform in a week, Monday and Tuesday the student should wear blue and white uniforms, Wednesday and Thursday the student should wear batik uniforms, Friday the student should wear muslim uniforms, Saturday the student should wear pramuka uniforms.I think is not good because, it’s will spen lot of money.The school uniform make the student uncomportable to wear it, for example if one of the student like blue color and they have to wear the uniform with pink color.I believe the student will uncompident to wear it.
The fist speaker say that, uniform is very inportant for student to know the characteristik of the school.And the secoond speaker say that, there is not gap between reich student and foor student, and uniform as symbol of unity.I want to add my friends arguments with example if the student didn’t wear uniform and they have to wear clothes depend on their self.The situation of the school, it will make there is not unity among them and if the student not wearing, there is not characteristik of the school.

The second speaker say that, the student of the junior high school not allowed to bring motorcycle to school, because they dont have licenci.And the second speaker say that, if the student bring motorcycle to school their parents cant control them when they are on the road.So, i support my friends arguments.If the student bring motorcycle to school, it will give disadvantages for the student them selve, for example, if the student speed up their motorcycle on the way, they go to school, and have gat accident, the student cant follow their class.
 The fist speaker say that. the student allowed to bring motorcycle to school, because the motorcycle as transportation to come to school early.And the second speaker say that, the student allowed to bring motorcycle to school to make the student easy to come to school, because not all of student live near their school.I want to add my friend argument with example, if the student bring motorcycle to school they dont waste their time or come late to school.If the student should go to school by bus or public transportation,they should wait for long time in bus halte, and the chance to come to school late is biger.So, motorcycle is the best transportation for student, eventhough they dont have licence.

 The fist speaker say that, internet is an infortant toolto communicate and get informationto student.And the second speaker say that, the internet use to increase the skill in operating computer, and learn english.I want to add my friends argument.The student can internet to find lot off information or practise skill for example, using google to get information releted the subject when the teacher ask them to find the resourch.And the student can increase the skill in operating computer.If the student practise computer on normal computer course for beginer, the student will need more time, and the most inportant fact, learning computer not as interesting as surfing on the internet.
 The fist speaker say that, one of the risk of using internet, email, sosial network, and chatroom is that, student maybe exposed to inunappropiate material and it's maybe pornography.And the second speaker say that, internet not only offer some inportant information, but also entertaiment.Thousand sites offer online gamnling and interesting online game.I believe it's inportant as library, television, phone, and others we use to gather information and communicate.But let's see the negative effect from the internet.Student may encounter information, that their parents and the teachers dont want the encounter, example bomb building, terrorist, reading and seing pornography and pornoaction.And the most interesting site is game site.If the student use the internet to play online game, like poker  and many more, the student will waste their time and forget to study.



I'm a human said...

Makasih banyak kak, blog nya membantu :v.... Jadi saya lebih memahami istilah dalam debat, apalagi saya tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk lomba nanti wkwkw

I'm a human said...

Makasih banyak kak, blog nya membantu :v.... Jadi saya lebih memahami istilah dalam debat, apalagi saya tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk lomba nanti wkwkw

I'm a human said...

Makasih banyak kak, blog nya membantu :v.... Jadi saya lebih memahami istilah dalam debat, apalagi saya tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk lomba nanti wkwkw

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